Top Star Tour
Website: Myrtle Beach Grand Prix Homepage
Ride Type: Flat Ride
Ride Status: Defunct
Average Rating: 4.0000
TPC Overall Rank: Rides need more than 25 reviews to be ranked.
Reviews: 3
Last Review: 12/7/2006 2:57:00 AM
In User Top 10: 0 times.
User Tracker Count: 5 times.

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4 Rating
0 Rating Rate Down Rate Up coasterwom on 12/7/2006 2:57:00 AM
Appearence-well maintained. Fun. Rerideable. Ride duration long. Capacity large. A very unique ride that spins around in circles and turns riders upside down. I havent seen a ride like this before.

4 Rating
0 Rating Rate Down Rate Up biosciking on 6/7/2006 1:35:00 AM
Superficially, this looks like a frisbee/pendulum type of flat ride. This does not arc back and forth as it spins, however. Instead, it slowly revolves around and around like a pig roasting over a fire, putting riders in upside down and other unusual positions as it rotates. It takes its sweet time, too, so there are several moments where youll likely get a serious head rush. I did like it though, mainly because it was just so different from anything Ive ever come across before.

3 Rating
0 Rating Rate Down Rate Up BobFunland on 4/25/2006 2:31:00 PM
This could be an insane flat ride due to the wild movement along multiple axis. However, the crappy Zamperla restraints and a program which goes too slow IMHO leads to quite a few moments where you are suspended in the restraints and they dig sharply into your shoulders. Very painful at times but still fairly intense and thrilling with a decent cycle. Worth the $4.50 to ride once simply because its unique.

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