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 Review of Earthquake - The Big One @ Universal Studios Florida
0 Rating Posted by: Animan1 on 1/20/2006 5:00:00 PM
Earthquake is a decent show/ride. Its quite long, which is cool the first few times you ride it, but after that, it seems to take too much time that you could be riding other things, or so it seems to me. The first room you go into explains some about weather special effects in the movies. You then enter another room where they demonstrate some of the effects used in the movie Earthquake, and then another room where they use some volunteers to perform various functions (my sister has actually gotten picked before). The high point of the ride then comes when you get to experience something like they did in the movie Earthquake. I wont give all the elements away, but suffice it to say that you ride in a subway train and are then subjected to a number of hazardous conditions, including water, fire, and plenty of rocking and rolling. The actual ride part is better than a 7, but the preshows, which become a bit long after youve seen them several times, bring the ride down a bit. Still, not bad for families (less intense than Twister, in my opinion), and thrill seekers should at least hit it up once in order to experience the final part of the ride and learn a bit about movie special effects in the process.
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