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 Review of Expedition Everest @ Animal Kingdom
1 Rating Posted by: BobFunland on 3/22/2006 4:47:00 PM
WARNING: SOME SPOILERS INCLUDEDEverest is a very good ride... very good the principal word, not superb or anything to that nature. VERY Disney of them. The roller coaster part was pretty good - I especially liked "the drop" and the first half of the backwards segment. All of the coaster parts were dragged on a little too long and especially in the case of the backwards part, they fizzled out. The themeing is excellent - from the sweet queue to the fabulous mountain. Almost every part of the ride is elaborately themed - well, except the part between chains one and two, that was off The first scene with the bird is a big "WTF" but the track effect from the front is pretty effective. The second scene with the projection was actually pretty cool but also drawn out (all for capacity and timing, Im sure) and the encounter with the Yeti was amazing. No video or photo will ever do it justice unless the images are captured off the ride. Amazingly life-like, for whatever I could imagine a Yeti looks like in real life. Overall, a very fun and re-rideable roller coaster, a PERFECT addition to the park that lacks in rides, but not the greatest ride ever as it had been hyped up to be by some.

Review Comments

coasterf42 on 3/22/2006 10:14:35 PM said:
What kind of elements were there? All I hear about is the one drop, backwards parts, and the themes. Were there hills, helixes, banking, anything??
BobFunland on 3/22/2006 10:40:04 PM said:
Hardly any hills, a little bit of banked turn.. really not much! The backwards part felt like a spiraling down helix and the part on the backside of the mountain was just banked curves... there really wasnt much to the ride.
cordovad6 on 3/23/2006 12:52:56 PM said:
hey man... i never said it was the best.. but considering all the crap disney has been coming up with lately (mostly 3d shows) its really good... it gives us some hope
BobFunland on 3/23/2006 3:20:18 PM said:
I wasnt talking about you (when I started my review, no one had posted one yet!)
mrceagle on 3/25/2006 10:04:44 AM said:
Nice review! So did the backwards segment get slow? What made is fizzl out?
Danny on 3/25/2006 11:44:10 AM said:
I watched a POV video and thought the coaster parts seemed too short, not too long.
BobFunland on 3/27/2006 12:29:19 AM said:
They really are short - WAY too much of the ride is spent transitioning from forwards to backwards and vice-versa, and the part between the first little lift and the "big one" is pretty useless right now. However, I heard it was supposedly going to be themed in there eventually... why its not done now in confusing to me. Oh, but the Yeti.. oh my goodness he is an amazing creation. What made the coaster fizzle out was a loss in momentum that was probably due to imagineerings decisions to 1. limit sustained G-forces to make it family-friendly and 2. to control the time in between blocks to maximize capacity. Speaking of capacity, this ride has it goin on!
Danny on 3/27/2006 6:31:41 PM said:
Thats good to hear. Was there steam coming out of the trains in the station when you rode? That seems like a pretty cool effect.
mrceagle on 3/28/2006 9:46:32 PM said:
The ride sounds amazing. Sorry to hear the coaster isnt all they made it out to be. but, thats often the case when they Hipe any coaster this much.
BobFunland on 3/30/2006 8:09:52 PM said:
There is supposed to be steam? That would KICK ASS but no, we didnt get any
BobFunland on 10/24/2006 7:16:02 PM said:
Id just like to say that the steam worked for me this time, and it was cool. Also, the ride didnt seem nearly as intense and fun this time around, so it dropped a little in my rankings but I think the 8 will stand.
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