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 Review of Shockwave @ Kings Dominion
1 Rating Posted by: BobFunland on 3/27/2005 9:17:00 PM
Well, I had to give it a shot. After hearing all of the negative things about TOGO stand ups, I had to try it. The short ride wasnt the worst part, nor was the roughness, nor the boring layout... I think the seat and restraint system was what killed the ride! The shoulder restraints were akward (kinda like putting on a vest) and pain-inducing at times in the ride, and the seat was not pleasant. As for the actual ride, it was ok, but could have been better. The first drop and loop wasnt too bad, but once the coaster started turning is where it got bad. That first helix was killer, and they should have provided Motrin. The little hills werent good either, again causing stress, this time in really unappreciated areas of the body. Some more turns and twists and some more boring, painful time on the ride and then the best part comes -- the return to the station to get off the damn ride! Overall, the layout was far from inspiring. I love a good stand up, but Shockwave was painful and boring to me. It wasnt intense (the fun type), it wasnt interesting, it wasnt smooth, nor was it comfortable. Basically, it wasnt a B&M, though even a B&M with that layout would be boring. Overall, it was a poor ride due to a multitude of reasons, but still worth a shot to give us all a greater appreciation of Mantis LOL
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