Home > Minnesota > Valleyfair > Wild Thing > Review Comments

 Review of Wild Thing @ Valleyfair
1 Rating Posted by: steven1717 on 12/6/2002 8:39:00 AM
This coaster is smmmooooth. Designed by Morgan/Chance. The chain lift slows as you reach the top (not just an illusion) Just after the initial 200ft plunge you speed and float over a nice long floater hill which is about 80ft high Id say...this is most beautiful when sitting in the center of the train but air time abounds wherever you chose to sit.. It is the longest weightless zone in the world. Its an excelent ride with a headchopper, long sweeping speed turns, effective bunny hops and a black tunnel finaly.. My only gripe is that it was built along the highway and doesnt provide much for a view. Valleyfair!s signiture ride.
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