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Tennesee Theme Park Proposal
Submitted By: ThmPrkCrtc on 4/26/2002 11:42:00 AM
Tennesee is evaluating the idea of Thrillopolis, a theme park featuring roller coasters and lands with names like "Land of Giants" Did I mention theyll be building roller coasters? :D

Mayor Bill Purcell spent two hours yesterday morning viewing models of roller coasters named Maximus, Cyclops and Atlas — wooden or steel rides that one day could send Nashvillians and tourists twisting and turning in a downtown theme park.

Thrillopolis, as the proposed park is named, would include a water park, restaurants, music and retail shopping. In addition to adult rides, there would be an area named Storyland Village just for children. Parking would be at Adelphia.


rocketman23 on 4/26/2002 3:12:00 PM said:
This would give me a reason to visit TN! Dollywood just ain't doing it for me.
mrceagle on 4/29/2002 8:49:00 AM said:
Another theme ark would really help the turest indestry. Dolly wood is all they have and they thats a one day thing as im told.
raptor on 5/3/2002 8:46:00 PM said:
They should try to boost tourism in tenneese because judging from what they curreently have they really need this!!!
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