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Kentucky Kingdom adds Sligshot
Submitted By: ThmPrkCrtc on 4/8/2002 10:12:00 PM
Standard fair for alot of parks now, but Six-Flags has added the stomach churner to their Kentucky theme park.

The egg-shaped gondola holds two people, strapped tightly in their seats, until the countdown is over and the riders soar into the sky on the wings of steel cables. At the apex, they pause, seemingly weightless more than 200 feet above the ground, then plummet back to Earth, then climb back up. This whole time, the capsule flips over and over and over. It tests the stomach and rattles the heart. And its in Louisville.


mrceagle on 4/9/2002 3:29:00 PM said:
Sounds great. Thesling shout is alot more interesting then the sky coaster. the ride tends to be better priced and it dosn't tack up as much space.
daptwa on 4/10/2002 10:42:00 AM said:
This is a great addition to a park that is lacking a lot of stuff.
SFKKemp. on 5/5/2004 10:37:00 PM said:
As the Senior Team Leader at Slingshot, This IS a really cool ane I encurouage you to ride it!
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