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Thrill Rides are bad Mmmkay...
Submitted By: ThmPrkCrtc on 1/18/2002 9:27:00 AM
Well as rides go faster, pull more gs, and fall apart more often, turns out, well it might not be to great for you health wise either.

Reports of subdural hematomas and other brain injuries among roller coaster riders suggest the rides can generate ``G forces great enough to injure the brain. But, according to Braksiek and Roberts, there is little to no data on what short exposure to high G forces plus directional changes--a feature of many amusement-park rides--do to the brain.

They note that in the US, there are around 18 roller coasters that have G forces of more than 4.0--a force higher than NASA (news - web sites) astronauts experience during a space-shuttle launch or re-entry.

Wow.. higher than the shuttle... rock on!


xDisney on 1/18/2002 6:31:00 PM said:
The Ninja at SFOG is an excellent example of a brain injury waiting to happen.
DmctNY8 on 1/18/2002 6:41:00 PM said:
You have to rember the fact that there are no known causalties from brain damage on roller coasters (as far as I know).
xDisney on 1/18/2002 7:48:00 PM said:
My daughter is a coaster fanatic, she got a headache on the Ninja. ( the one and time to date)
DmctNY8 on 1/18/2002 11:11:00 PM said:
I have really only had two instances where I had been hurting after getting off a ride.

The first time was one the "Space Shuttle" ride itself at Six Flags Great Adventure. The second time was when I rode the "Mind Earser" a ride (because I don't get too upset about head-banging") that a generally like but when I rode this on Coloumbus Day 2001 (while returning from a follage trip in Vermont where it had snowed that morning)and my cold hears were killed by the head-banging.

bb_dg on 1/20/2002 4:17:00 PM said:
the only thing with B&R at SFGadv is the launch, it didnt hurt but all the blood went to my head and gave me a killer headache. astonauts experience a constant 4 gs while coaster riders experience 4 gs for only a split second-- thats why i feel they are safe
HondaGeo on 1/20/2002 7:38:00 PM said:
I got a headache after riding Medusa 3 times at SFMW. This ride has a G rating of 4.5, but i feel safe becuase they occur for a nanosecond. They also go through rigorous testing. Also some poeple are more sensitive than others.
Mr-Twister on 5/3/2002 11:00:00 PM said:
They only thing that bugs me on a ride is the head banging and it aint bad at all cause thats the thin thats makes the ride fun
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