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 Review of Dizzy Disk @ Dollywood
0 Rating Posted by: EquusStorm on 10/24/2012 2:25:00 PM
This is an AWESOME ride. And even though I have such a strong stomach that I was able to ride the Tennessee Tornado many times not too long after a big lunch (and Blazing Fury minutes after lunch, as I waited on the rest of the folks to finish their meals!) this little ditty right here made me a bit queasy! And that was BEFORE lunch! But oh was it ever worth it. I give props to the operations at Dollywood - I thought the ride would never end, as the cycle is remarkably long, and very thrilling. The forces are almost as exciting as a small coaster, though somewhat predictable. The restraint system and seating arrangement is exceptionally bizarre if you've not been on any sort of ride like this before (I hadn't), and the capacity is VERY nice for a flat ride. That means the lines will be swallowed up rather quickly, BUT then stay stagnant for a bit as the ride cycle is, again, rather generous! It's a must ride, but for those with very low nausea tolerance, I advise a bit of caution.
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