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 Review of Thunder Canyon @ Dorney Park
0 Rating Posted by: PhantomNik on 7/7/2008 5:42:00 PM
Thunder Canyon at Dorney Park may share the same name as its river rapids cousin found at Cedar Point, but that is where the similarities end. While the one in Ohio is pretty good, the one here in Allentown is easily the BEST river rapids ride I have been on to date. This thing is really an incredible water ride! As I waited in the line the first time, which was agonizingly slow, I was thinking it would probably end up being a waste of time considering how long we waited. Boy, lucky for me I was dead wrong there! The only thing I could think of that would closely replicate the experience on Thunder Canyon would be to jump into a lake or pool while wearing all your clothes. Then, get out and turn around and do it again. And finally, repeat those steps another 3 times or so! This thing is absolutely D-R-E-N-C-H-I-N-G!! The look of the ride is very cool with the landscaping, and it hides the layout and water mayhem that awaits the riders. I literally lost count at something like 8 waterfalls. There is this one section in particular that is a gauntlet, with about 3 falls on each side of the canyon. Trust me, there is NO ONE who escapes the soaking! Not to mention, the rapids themselves are nice and choppy too, and the raft moves through them at a perfect pace. On a hot day, this ride is pure bliss. Kudos to Dorney for having a water ride that delivers the goods (and the water) on an epic scale! Simply a blast to ride and I was laughing hysterically through most of the course. Thunder Canyon's a winner all the way around.
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