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 Review of Disaster Transport @ Cedar Point
2 Rating Posted by: PhantomNik on 2/28/2008 3:53:00 PM
Its Disaster Transport, or as its known in the summer months "Hey, this line has AC: The Ride" This coaster is a bit of a puzzler, thats for sure. Disaster Transport was my first Bobsled coaster, so its got that going for it. I wonder to myself while in line for this what the park was thinking when they enclosed the ride and added the pinnacle of cheesy 80s theming. This theming, while making little sense, is laughably awful and downright trippy. The 3d glasses dont do much, but they can offer some entertainment while waiting in the usually long line. Im telling you, if this was outside without the air conditioning, this thing would probably be a walk-on! As it is, the line moves incredibly slowly and waits often close in on an hour. The crew is so-so, but I dont really think these types of coasters are capacity machines anyway. After boarding the bobsled trains, you head off into the darkness to begin your journey.

Disaster Transport does have a few positives, like the rides darkness which gives you no clue where you are going. I like rides that combine coaster with dark ride like this. The ride itself has some nice turns and speed that is pretty good as well. However, for as many positives I can think of, there are just as many negatives. The coaster has no real drops to speak of (perhaps one or two minor ones at best), and those nice turns start to get repetitive as that is pretty much the only element in use here. But the biggest downfall of the ride is that it is insanely SHORT. The kind of short where you look at each other and say "Huh? I waited all that time for THAT?!?" AC or not, the ride is just not worth the wait after experiencing it once. In short, Disaster Transport is the epitome of an average roller coaster. I give it some credit for being unique and trying to have some theming (though it makes very little sense), and the fact that it is a relatively rare bobsled coaster is worth a little as well. The layout is standard for a bobsled I suppose, and the speed seems to work well, but the ride is way too short and tends to get boring after the first few turns. This bizarre little coaster is worth a ride to check it out, but after that its just sort of there. And although some laughs can be had at the expense of the goofy queue, the ride itself offers low thrills and minimal fun, resulting in an average ho-hum experience on this equally ho-hum coaster. With a park like this thats full of coasters, the simple fact of the matter is that your time wasted in this line could be much better spent somewhere else.
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