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 Review of Downdraft @ Knoebels
0 Rating Posted by: Canobie Coaster on 10/7/2006 1:07:00 PM
Downdraft was a thrilling flat ride at Knoebels much more intense than I had anticipated. Located at the front of the park, Downdrafts vibrant yellow cars fly above the midway. On the backs of the cars are red flames. Because of Downdrafts high capacity its generally a walk-on. When you board one of the 6 available cars, you can either ride in the front row (seating 3) or back row (seating 2). I enjoyed the front more because it provided a much better view of the rides nearby and I got more air-time. Restrained by a lap bar, Downdraft is loaded quickly by the operators. Once Downdraft begins, it starts rotating slowly around the tower and its elevation and speed increase at a steady pace. At Downdrafts max elevation and max speed there are some very powerful laterals forcing you to the side of the car. Then the rides arms extend allowing the cars to fly into the air, bouncing up and down. During these fun motions, Downdraft reaches amazing speeds of up to 14rpms! Best of all you get some floater air-time during the bounces. The freefalls after being thrown into the air were entertaining and provided a brief tummy-tickling sensation. Also, you get a decent ride cycle. Overall, this was one of the most dizzying rides I have ever been on and it was quite disorienting. Only those who enjoy spinning rides with very strong stomachs should ride Downdraft.
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