Home > Colorado > Six Flags Elitch Gardens > Halfpipe > Review Comments

 Review of Halfpipe @ Six Flags Elitch Gardens
1 Rating Posted by: biosciking on 8/29/2006 4:33:00 PM
Halfpipe was a lot of fun, and certainly very unique. Riding up and down the two vertical towers on this U-shaped track would probably be fun enough, but once you throw in the spinning seats, you get a truly crazy coaster ride. I actually found a medium amount of spinning to be the best. This way you could enjoy the coaster portion as well as the spinning portion, getting that great negative-g feeling if you happen to round the top as the car begins to fall down the tower. The second time I rode the spinning was much more violent, and the ride started becoming a head-banger. Regardless, I still really enjoyed Halfpipe, and would like to see this type of coaster added to other parks.
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