Home > Pennsylvania > Kennywood > Pittsburg Plunge > Review Comments

 Review of Pittsburg Plunge @ Kennywood
0 Rating Posted by: alanlough on 5/25/2006 6:55:00 PM
I love this ride! On a hot, Summer day, youll will stay cool, when you ride this ride. It really gets you soaked. Also stand on the observation deck, where the railing is? when the boat comes down, man, you get drenched! Though, how wet you get, depends on how much "butt" is the boat. If all the riders, are just a bunch of skinny 12-13 year olds, you wont get near as wet, as you will with the boat filled with bigger riders. Trust me on that one. So, if you want to get drenched on that observation deck, in front of the railing, first see how many people are in the boat, how big or small the riders are. Also,when you board the boats, to ride, sit in the last 2 rows, for you will get more wet.
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