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 Review of Whip @ Kennywood
0 Rating Posted by: no cars go on 4/8/2006 2:18:00 PM
3 words: BEST WHIP EVER!!!

Sadly, not many whips are around anymore, and that was a total shock to me when I learned that because Pennsylvania has whips at so many parks. I was so used to seeing whips at the parks I grew up at...

Back to the point: Kennywoods Whip. This thing is great, its fast, thrilling, and just such great fun! Tip: If you want the most thrills, lean your weight to the outside for the best whip ride ever. Once my aunt, sister and I squeezed into one car (surprised the ride op let us ) and when we leaned all our weight to the side, my sister said something like "CAN YOU GUYS STOP THROWING YOUR WEIGHT IT IS TOO MUCH FOR ME!!!". She is a chicken on rides, so I can understand why she said that, so I told her to scream, and she was like "I DONT KNOW HOW!". Very funny. If you go to Kennywood, dont miss their Whip. Its much better than say, Knoebels or Hersheyparks whip.

Review Comments

no cars go on 4/8/2006 2:22:02 PM said:
And also, heres a bit of trivia: The Whip was one of the first mass produced amusement rides.
adriahna on 5/2/2006 6:57:30 PM said:
Great review, but Ill bet that mofo cant touch Ryes Whip. Just saying, is all...
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