Home > Pennsylvania > Kennywood > Exterminator, The > Review Comments

 Review of Exterminator, The @ Kennywood
-2 Rating Posted by: CoastrGlxy on 6/6/2005 9:59:00 AM
This was one the least enjoyable coaster experiences Ive ever had. I rode the Exterminator is the summer of 1999. Hopefully theyve made some adjustments since then. The theming of the ride was actually pretty good. The interior qeue reminded me of Flight of Fear somewhat. There was a video about some rat extermination. The ride was dark which I was excited about but after a while we just began spinning over and over. All I remember is darkness and spinning. When we got out of the ride, we noticed a woman that rode with us almost fell as she was getting off. It was very disorientating, and not in a good way, more of in a sick way. We looked were walking away from a car crash or something. Im just not sure what the designers were thinking and I cant imagine the Kennywood owner riding this thing and being excited about adding it to his lineup. Maybe Im just not the audience for this ride. I was 19 when I rode it. The two points Im giving this ride are mainly for the theming, because at least they tried there. Final Rating - 2.0 (Horrible)

Review Comments

fergusonat on 6/6/2005 10:39:52 AM said:
I agree...I actually hated the ride, and it is currently sitting at the absolute bottom of my rankings
Cyclonic on 7/26/2005 7:05:03 PM said:
That is a shame. I really like this ride, and even when I visited with a friend last week, she liked the ride, and this was after not liking Steel Dragon up at Waldameer. Well, each to their own.
CoastrGlxy on 8/29/2005 9:24:12 AM said:
Hooray!! My unpopular opinion got me another bad review. Thats great! I think I did a pretty good job of explaining why I didnt like this ride but if people who like the ride dont agree, they should protest by giving me a bad review. I love that! I mean we should all love the same rides, right?
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