Home > Ohio > Cedar Point > Mean Streak > Review Comments

 Review of Mean Streak @ Cedar Point
0 Rating Posted by: tpcommando on 5/29/2002 8:31:00 PM
For years, I had looked at pictures of the Mean Streak and salivated over the possibility of riding it. Its twisted path and massive size looked very intriguing. Then I rode it. I know that wooden coasters are supposed to rattle your bones, but this was ridiculous--Mean Streak beat the everloving s#&t out of me. It continually wrenched my back and neck. It was like the roller coaster gods were reaching down from the heavens to spasmodically shake the whole thing, pummeling all of the riders. Im afraid that I have to concur with other critics that this ride should be retracked, but I think its only salvation would be to do so with tubular steel rails. Mean Strek offers a very well-conceived path through its twisting, turning structure. Its possible that it just doesnt lend itself to wooden and steel rails. It would be worth the investment, however, to turn this into a popular ride and at least save it as a quasi-woody.
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