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New Coaster Game
Submitted By: ThmPrkCrtc on 7/2/2001 3:46:00 PM
I didnt know about this one but caught it on USENET today. Looks like Disney is behind this one, should be interesting, Im downloading the demo now to see how it is. Heres a link: Ultimate Ride Website.


ThmPrkCrtc on 7/2/2001 4:00:00 PM said:
Errmm ok, won't run under my install of Win2k.. maybe someone else will have more luck :/
ThmPrkCrtc on 7/2/2001 4:40:00 PM said:
Opps, looks like you need directx 8... my fault B)
Barnsey on 7/4/2001 11:55:00 AM said:
Tried the game and found it to be rubbish. It won't run at a decent level (I must have got about 4 fps) and seems to be very basic and the sounds are ridiculous. I know this is a demo but I would rather stick with RCT or even Sim Themepark
ThmPrkCrtc on 7/5/2001 2:02:00 PM said:
Sim Theme Park.... :O it can't be that bad
XtremeFan8 on 8/22/2001 12:48:00 PM said:
yea that game is fun andlets u build unique but fun rides.
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